Painter Socks
Playful Socks X YRMS = PlayfulJon
Inspired by Jonathan's song, Kitkat (@tunggg.xd) designed a very colourful socks to brighten up the world despite the recent pandemic. May this painter socks reminds you that there are many colours and hope ahead of you!
此襪⼦設計靈感來⾃「千⾊」這⾸歌。2020似乎被掩上了⼀層灰紗;世界都是灰蒙蒙的。你與 我,也似乎隔著⼀層難以逾越的隔膜,無法如往常般擁抱。在灰⾊的天空中,願你能抓緊⼿中的畫筆,為世界漆上⼀點⾊彩。 「縱望⾒天灰灰 ⼼裡也彩⾊不減」— 別擔憂你 只有⼀⽀筆,⼀種顏⾊。只要你願意與我⼀同畫 上,不同⼈的顏⾊終會匯聚成彩虹。 「⼈⼈在今⽇起 ⼈⼈亦給⾃⼰不斷打氣」— 願 以這襪⼦為各位帶來難捱時候的⼀抹美麗⾊彩。 願你能把這抹⾊彩傳遞出去,為世界加油!
Washing Tips:
- Wash with neutral detergent in water (~30 ⁰C / 86 ⁰F or less) and do not use bleach.
- Flip over the socks when washing, you can keep the softness and have less fluff for a longer time.
- When ironing, the nylon / spandex may deform and the color of the socks may change, so please dry naturally.
- Socks made of special yarns such as thick winter socks, wool socks, and pearl socks are highly recommended for hand washing.
- 78% Cotton, 19% Polyester, and 3% Nylon / Spandex