Godzilla Socks
Playful Socks X YRMS = PlayfulJon
Designed by @holland_ng with more than 4,000+ votes on this socks, Holland was awarded with the most fan voted socks in the 2020 PlayfulJon Socks Design Competition. This socks is designed to commemorate the time she plays with her parents and family. Her favourite toys include Godzilla and airplanes which is a gift from her grandpa.
@holland_ng 這作品仿佛讓我回到⼩時候,吵著爺爺給我買⾶機模型,然後開開⼼⼼地回家與他模擬⾶機起⾶降落的快樂時光。事隔多年,這⾶機也有了不少的歲⽉痕跡,⽽爺爺也離開了我。現在只能看著染著塵埃的模型懷緬與爺爺的點滴。去年在王梓軒的演唱會上認識到「玩具也流淚」這⾸歌,⽽歌詞更搓中我惦掛爺爺的⼼。我最終選擇了以這⾸歌進⾏設計是為了紀念我與爺爺的回憶。
Washing Tips:
- Wash with neutral detergent in water (~30 ⁰C / 86 ⁰F or less) and do not use bleach.
- Flip over the socks when washing, you can keep the softness and have less fluff for a longer time.
- When ironing, the nylon / spandex may deform and the color of the socks may change, so please dry naturally.
- Socks made of special yarns such as thick winter socks, wool socks, and pearl socks are highly recommended for hand washing.
- 78% Cotton, 19% Polyester, and 3% Nylon / Spandex